Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Wainwright's Coast to Coast with Julia Bradbury

On Monday 15th September I met up with the team from "Skyworks" to join them for a day's filming of the new "Coast to Coast" series with Julia Bradbury. This was at Gunnerside in Swaledale and we went up from the village to the old lead mines, three miles up the valley.

The pictures below show the team in action. They were Owen (Producer), Jan (Cameraman), Will (Assistant Producer), Dan (Researcher), Aled (Runner) and Claire (Sound). We were also joined by Alan Mills from Reeth who is an expert on the old mines of Swaledale. A very interesting article of his about the history of Swaledale can be found in the September issue of Dalesman magazine.

Otley Methodist Heritage Weekend

Over the weekend of 12th to 14th September, we held a heritage weekend at Otley Methodist Church. Below are scenes from the weekend.

The pulpit used by John Wesley when he preached in Otley at the Nelson Street Chapel.

Foyer Display 1

Foyer Display 2

Junior Church Display 1

Junior Church Display 2

Main Hall Display 1

Main Hall Display 2

Old Scout Uniform

Wind Quintet performing in the Church

View of the quintet from the pulpit.

Mark Topping as "John Wesley"

Mark in full flow.

Sunday morning service

Congregation in Victorian Costume outside the Church

The Minsiter and Stewards 1

The Minister and Stewards 2

Alan Furze, one of the door stewards

Fred King in an old Scoutmaster's Uniform

On Sunday afternoon a number of people took part in the "Wesley Walk" around Otley to look at places previously associeted with the Church and John Wesley.

Chevin Court - site of the previous Church from 1825 to 1875.

The plaque on Dr Ritchie's House.

Dr Ritchie's House

Joyce Calverley the tour guide by the grave of the first Methodist Minister in Otley.

Joyce by "The Donley Stone" where Wesley's horse, "Robert" is buried.