Tuesday 17 August 2010

Knaresborough - River Nidd and the Castle

On Sunday, after we had been to Church, we had a couple of hours in Knaresborough. From the Market Place we descended past St John's Church to the River Nidd and then after a walk along the riverbank, passing underneath the railway viaduct, we climbed the 200 steps back up to the Castle and from there back to the Market Place where the Farmer's Market was being held.

Monday 2 August 2010

Yorkshire Sculpture Park

Althopugh the Yorkshire Sculpture Park has been in existance for nearly 30 years and is only about 20 miles from home, it is one place that we had never been to in the past. This year we decided that we would visit some of these places that we have not been to before througout the County and therefore at the weekend went down the M1 to Junction 38 to the YSP.

Pictures below are mainly of the sculptures on display with some others of the countryside and lake in the West Bretton Country Park. The site covers 500 acres of 18th century parkland and was a fastinating day out.