Sunday 12 April 2009

Easter Sunday Service at the Cross and Breakfast

On Easter Sunday, 12th April, a number of us met outside the Methodist Church in Otley at 6.15 am to walk the 1½ miles and 1,000 feet to the summit of Otley Chevin for the 7 am Easter Morning "Sunrise" Service.

After the service we returned to the Church for Holy Communion and then breakfast. Myself and four of the teenagers from Church ran the 1½ miles back from the summit to Otley in 7 minutes, beating most of the people who had driven up there back down. Not bad for a 56 year old!

Later, during the 10.30 am service, the lenten cross we had in Church for the last six weeks was stripped of the symbols on it (Chalice, Bag of Coins, Crown of Thorns, Purple Cloth, The Whip & The Palm Branches) and replaced with posies of flowers. The pictures below (with sub-headings where necessary) show the events of the morning.

First rest stop at the top of Johnny Lane.

Climbing the first set of steps.

The first sight of the cross as we exit from the wood.

Approaching the summit.

The sun starting to rise in the East.

Sarah approaching the summit.

Crowds gather by the cross as the sun rises.

Ready for the start of the service.

The service is led by Otley's Methodist Minister, Revd Julian Pursehouse.

We estimated that there were around 250 worshipers present at the early morning service.

Over the last few years Keith has always asked at breakfast why he didn't get bacon, sausage and tomato with his egg so this year we surprised him with a plateful. The only problem for him was that the bacon, sausage and tomato were all plastic!

The assembled gathering for breakfast in the Wesley Hall.

The Easter Crosses in the Church Foyer once they had been decorated.

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