Pictures below (some with captions, where appropriate) show our day out in the beautiful Washburn Valley part of the Yorkshire Dales.
Thruscross Reservoir at the start of the walk.

Sheep safely grazing.

An old disused farm cottage.

Heading over the moor.

Some high stiles to negotiate.

View back across to Menwith Hill.

A barn converted to a refreshment dining area for the landed gentry during their shooting activities on the moor.

Shooting butt.

Stone with glacial scouring on the surface.

Surveying the route we had walked so far.

A moorland tarn.

The "Rocking Stone" near Rocking Hall.

Nick testing its stability.

Scouring and etchings on the stone.

The group looking for a suitable place for lunch.

Departing after lunch for the walk along Bank Edge and across The Great Stray.

View across to Thruscross Reservoir.

A direct line across the moor.

Local farmers out fence repairing.

A set of marker boundary stones.

Curlew in flight.

The farm track across to the River Washburn.

Cows enjoying the afternoon sunshine.

An old converted mill.

Waterfall at Hoodstorths Lane.

Footbridge over the River Washburn.

The top end of the reservoir. Due to the shortage of rain the reservoir is well down in this part of the valley and some of the old walls from the fields which were covered when the valley was flooded in the mid 60's are starting to reappear.

The old Chapel on the hill above the reservoir.

The tide mark showing how much the reservoir has dropped in recent months.

The final stretch along the reservoir back to the car park.

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