Monday, 11 April 2011

Burnsall Circular

A recent walk along part of The Dales Way from Burnsall to Linton and then returning via Thorpe and the field paths back to Burnsall.

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Burnsall Methodist Church

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Burnsall Parish Church

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Loup Scar

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The suspension bridge

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Stepping stones crossing the Wharfe to reach Linton Church

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Approaching Linton Falls

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View back down to the Church and stepping stones

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Thorpe village. Known as "the hidden village" because due to its secluded position in the hills
(knopwn as Thrope in the Hollow) it escaped the ravages of the marauding Scots.

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Track back to Burnsall

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Burnsall Fell where the annual fell race is held

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Burnsall Bridge

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Simon's Seat

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Burnsall Fell

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